MC Autos Help You Look After Your Vehicle

Here at MC Autos we are proud to assist all motorists stay safe and enjoy the ride with our tips and guidance on looking after your own vehicle. Regular checks and minor maintenance on a few components, like those below, may be necessary to ensure your vehicle is in tip-top shape and ready for the road:


Keeping tyres correctly inflated has many benefits, and it is worthwhile referring to your owner’s manual. Tyres at the right pressure will improve handling, performance and fuel economy. Uneven tyre wear can be an indication of incorrect wheel alignment and it is best to seek professional help at MC Autos. You should also check for damaged tyres because splits, nails, and cuts can cause potentially dangerous punctures.

Windscreen Wipers

If your wipers are ineffective they will not clear away rain properly, and instead leave streaks or a partially wet screen. Poor visibility is a common cause of accidents, especially when it’s raining, and wipers should be checked regularly for splitting or grit. Worn windscreen wipers can fail an MOT test and should be replaced without delay. Dirty wipers could scratch your windscreen. Make sure you check the front and rear wipers on your vehicle, if applicable.


Always check to make sure all your lights are working: side lights, main beams, low and high-level brake lights, reversing lights, indicators, and hazard warning lights. Check at the front and back of the vehicle. Check any fuses before changing bulbs which are not working. If in doubt pop round to our Croydon premises.

Engine Oil

Check the oil regularly by parking your vehicle on level ground and carefully removing the dipstick when the engine is cool or cold.

Wipe any oil off with a clean cloth and replace it. Then immediately remove it again to check that the oil level is between the minimum and maximum marks. Top up the oil with the correct grade as specified in your owner’s manual, but do not overfill it. Driving with too little oil, too much or very dirty oil could result in expensive repairs and it is best to contact MC Autos for advice.


To check your coolant level make sure the engine is cool and parked on level ground. Ensure your coolant is at the right level, as directed in your owner’s manual. If not, top it up using a 50:50 mix of water and antifreeze. Vehicles with insufficient coolant will overheat so if in doubt, bring it to us.


Check your washer fluid is filled to the maximum mark or as directed in your owner’s manual. It is important to use the correct ratio of water and screen wash to enable the fluid to correctly remove greasy marks, or insects from your windscreen with your wipers.

Brake Fluid

Check the brake fluid level is between the minimum and maximum marks. Driving with low brake fluid levels is dangerous. Brake fluid is hygroscopic, meaning it attracts moisture, and once moisture gets into the brake fluid the less effective it is. Brake fluid should be completely changed every two years.

If you are unsure about any of the checks and procedures mentioned above please don’t ignore it and hope for the best. MC Autos in Croydon will be pleased to assist you with any checks and, if necessary, advise you on the most effective solutions.

If you need advice or assistance, or you find that something needs attention, get in touch with us on 020 8407 3413, or make a reservation below.

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Unit 3, Stirling Way Industrial Estate
Stirling Way
South London
020 8407 3413

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Opening Times

Monday 08:30 - 17:30
Tuesday 08:30 - 17:30
Wednesday 08:30 - 17:30
Thursday 08:30 - 17:30
Friday 08:30 - 17:30
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

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